Hello, I registered here after a friend of mine recommended this site. I'm registering here because I need your help I'm not famous unfortunately I'm not a star or anything just a dad who loves his son. I appeal to you in order to offer the gift of dream of my son. It's a Godzilla figurine he's been dreaming about for a long time and unfortunately I can't afford to give it to him because of the price. So I've come to ask for your help, even the smallest, I'm not forcing you to do anything but I'd like to see the best thing in the world for a father, the joy in his son's eyes after receiving the gift he's been dreaming of. I'd like to thank you for at least reading this, and I'd like to thank all the people who will help me make my son's dream come true, as well as my own. I've also noticed that there's an "exchange" system. I don't have much to give for you, but if I can afford it in exchange for this figurine, I'd be happy to do so. Thank you to all those who will be able to help me really thank you sincerely have a nice day. Christophe