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Allo! I'm Jynx (I also use Seven). I'm an LGBTQ+, Soon-to-be streamer who wants to get a proper setup one day and get started on twitch to see where any sort of streaming journey may take me. With any luck, I'll be able to start streaming soon - I've wanted to for a little while now so I'll take a shot in the dark. I do play games I wish to play on stream, albeit I do so on console!! 🎮 ♡-(unless I get a laptop or pc that can handle games I wanna currently play, etc. There's no obligation for that or any of these items I've Wishlisted, of course. I love everyone whose even willing to lurk in a stream let alone support me)-♡ If I can get Atleast a laptop or something, I can do all of this properly. A good tablet, as well - to make art more efficiently as well since I currently do art on my phone. ♡-(I come from a low income / working class household so even a small help is nice.)-♡ Oh! And I'm throwing things out here involving my interests too because...idk I just wanted to ♥ It helps out with the personal side of my life.


