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Lynne M. Meyer


Hi there! I'm Lynne, a bisexual, autistic, chronically ill femme creator originally from Chicago. An editor at Paizo since 2023, I'm an advocate for inclusive games; a former interfaith & DEI educator, my personal and professional backgrounds inform my TTRPG work. Named a 2021 Queer in Games Awardee by Rainbow Game Jam, and a 2019 New Voices in Gaming scholar by Tabletop Network, my credits include the ENNIE Award-winning Uncaged: Goddesses and Uncaged Anthology. I’m a devotee of Hekate, and a lover of cats and good coffee.






I’m Moving!

I recently had a dream come true: I've accepted a job with Paizo! It means a move out of state, however, and for various reasons, my husband needs to stay at our current place for *at least* half a year — probably longer. This means that I can’t take everything with me that I normally use in my day to day (and honestly, some other items just need to be replaced, so they’re not coming with me either). Items in this collection will go towards getting me set up in my new place.


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