HI!!! Sorry this wishlist makes me look like a huge loser. Here are some keywords of some things I like so you can find other things easily: ANIME: Pokemon, Lucky Star, Nichijou, Di-Gi Charat, Hatsune Miku, Persona 5, CLAMP, Digimon, if its early 90s-late 2000s I'll probably like it, but I have a link to my watchlist. GAMES: Minecraft, Night in the Woods, Oneshot, ib, Bomberman, Professor Layton, Nekopara, Elsword, Mad Father, Zelda, Sky: Children of the Light THINGS I COLLECT: Vintage anime merch, anything pink/cutesy, catalogues/magazines (figures/garage kits/merch/cosplay), anime figures/garage kits, gachapons, miniatures REAL LIFE: Bugs, hamsters, science kits, Nat Geo, space, deep sea/fish, nature in general, cyber/casette futurism