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Andréa | he/him | almost 30 | heart of bugs and a brain of more bugs 🌻 none of this stuff is urgent or anything. it's just things I wish I had but my budget has little room for treatos 🤧


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Leonardo Momento Zero Fountain Pen Nuvola & Gold

'this is my grail pen 🥺 the pen of my dreams 🥺'

0% funded

Brass Fly Figurine

'the FLY 💥💥💥'


Prestige Baby Snoopy Plush 9”

'i was worried that this already sold but the seller relisted it 😭 i really love this scale of plushies and i have a few outfits for this size 🥺 he'd look so cute with my ikea alien and old garfield'


LAMY Safari Fountain Pen - Strawberry - Medium - Limited Edition

'i keep passing this up in favor of other colours of pen and then i keep THINKING ABOUT THIS ONE'


Hobonichi type cover A5/A6 size for 2024 plan, notebook, memo, agenda, etc. Replaceable inner core notebook cover

'i adore this one and i keep NOT getting it and then wishing i had. augh'


Gwendolyn White Lace Tie-Up Camisole | 3X

'i feel like this would look SO cute with my topsurgery scars and general shape. i daydream about taking cute pictures with this top often. also the shop it's from is super cool!'

0% funded

CHARTERUSE hand dyed yarn

'i want to knit myself a digit hat someday. this yarns locally made by a cool artist 🥺'


ChiaoGoo Interchangeable Knitting Needle Set

'these knitting needles feel AMAZING to use. ive got a couple and having a whole set would be a dream ♥'

0% funded


OFF Bad Human Edition for Nintendo Switch™

'off means a lot to me and this shit looks crazy'

0% funded

Showing gifts 1-9