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i'm jen! i Iove cats. i was on catfish. i enjoy fostering a place for mental health discussion. i'm a certified peer support specialist. i also paint! join us weekday mornings for *breakfast & feelings check in* so we can see how we're feeling :)


Body Sense Feeling Deck - 42 Emotional Intelligence Study Cards - Hand Painted Illustrations, Neuroscience, and Psychology for Mental Health

'This is an original deck of 42 cards! Researched, designed, and shipped directly by us at Studio Pandemonia! '


Neuro Cards - Therapy Cards for exploring Neurodivergence. Reflection tool for autistic/ADHD and other ND individuals.

'Neuro Cards - 42 double sided Therapy cards for adults and teens to explore neurodivergence. '


You Are Magic Affirmation Cards - Positive Intention Deck

'A deck of 33 cards with positive affirmations and artwork to inspire a life of intention, magic, and growth. '


Those Feelings Oracle Deck (Travel Size).

'💫A deck of random feelings to explore and work through.'


Showing gifts 1-25