Starry Tree Studio


Hi there!! I'm Isa 💗💫 A 22 year old artist obsessed with cute animals and adorable nature and cozy scenes ✨ If you wish to support me monetarily, you can do so through this wishlist!! It is 100% not necessary to support me this way. I will be super grateful if you share my art !!! That is enough for me 💖 Thank you!




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Stock: 20

Tip! 💗

"If you're feeling generous!! "


NexiGo N60 Webcam

"I would love to start streaming at some point but my camera is sooooo bad so that's why I'm putting this up for!"

0% funded

Whale Shark Pushie - Blue / 20" / 50 cm

Whale Shark Pushie - Blue / 20" / 50 cm

"sharks are my fave animal and this plushie is soooo cute!!!"

0% funded

Showing gifts 1-3